Friday, August 27, 2010

Birthday Extravaganza!!!

We had an epic birthday party for my 19th birthday!! It was super fun and i loved the whole day!! First we slept in until 11:00 and then we went and laied out in Porter Park for a couple of hours and completely got burnt! It was bad but totally worth it! Than that night we took Joe's creeper van down to IF to go to Red Robin for dinner! It was super good food especially since my burger was free! Unfortunately when we were there our waiter was told that is was my birthday and they made me wear balloon ears(pictured below) and they sang to me and gave my a sundae! It was embarrassing but really fun at the same time! It was a really good night! Than we went to my parents house for some delicious ice cream cake that my mom made me! I got sang to again which was not bad since most of us couldn't carry a tune! Than I opened some presents and got Gossip Girl season 3 which i was super pumped about, than we headed back to Rexburg and it was a super fun night and a great birthday! Here are a few pictures of our eventful night!

My balloon ears i had to wear...

All the girls(Brooke, Hanah, Kristen, and Me)

Here's the boys that came! (Preston, Carson, and than Joe with his molestache)

Me after I just blew out my candles! There was only 18 so we improvised with a match!

Joe's fabulous cake cutter!

Everyone that came!

This one is my most favorite one of the night! I love Joe's creeper face! He looks like he just decided to pop out of no where and get in the picture! I love that kid he is hilarious!!

I'm so glad that everyone made my night so much fun and I had probably one of my best birthdays so far! I loved every moment of it! Especially the food was really good!


  1. Glad you had a happy birthday!! Looks like a lot of fun!

  2. You look chinese in all the pics! LOL! Good thing I love asians! Ha ha ha!
