Thursday, October 28, 2010

FHE Carving Pumpkins!!!

This last Monday we went to our FHE brother's house and carved 3 GIANT pumpkins! It was super fun and we love our awesome FHE brothers! They are way awesome and funny! Here are a few pictures of that night. We each paired up with one of the guys and picked something to carve in our pumpkins!

Me and Brooklyn(BFFS)

Part of the FHE Family!

Brooke and Drew and their pumpkin!

Kristen and Michael and their Peanut Man pumpkin :)

Jade and Scott(they are crazy haha)

Me and Emerson!

All of us carving our pumpkins together!

The final pumpkins! Top to Bottom Jack the Pumpkin King, The Hamburger Hand, and the last is me and Emersons... We decided it was an asian person or a kitty! We are not exactly sure though!
It was a super fun night! We had so much fun and our pumpkins turned out great!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ward Halloween Party!!!

This past Monday we went to our Ward Halloween Party which was a murder mystery dinner! I'm part of the ward activities committee so I helped plan and get everything ready! It was a way fun party and we got to dress up in Halloween cards and we got free food which is always a plus! Me and three of my other roommates decided to dress up as fairies so here are some pics of us all dressed up and ready to go to the party!

This is me, Brooke and Kristen (aka the blonde ones) dressed up as fairies!

Me and brooklyn!!! (roommates/BFFs)

Here's another one of me and brooke jumping off this cement thing to look like we are flying! It was high and i was super afraid i was going to hurt my feet so that is why i have a terrified look on my face but i love it! :)
It was a super fun night and I love this time of the year!! It's always fun to dress up and have a good time with my roomies!