Saturday, June 19, 2010

Nothing too exciting....

Has happened in my life lately! It's just been an average semester. Just school and random activities going on. The only exciting thing that is going on is having boy drama!! Even though it is not that exciting at all.. Me and two of my other roommates are having your average boy crushes that are filling our lives with drama. It seems up at this school boys don't like to ask girls on dates which is not good for us! It's sad that this is the only excitement we have experienced the last couple of weeks besides the excitement of school! which is not exciting at all... I guess some other exciting activities that have happened are we went on a bike ride for FHE! One of my FHE brothers owns a bike shop here in town and let us all borrow a bike and we went to this Nature Park and road around a pond a couple times it was pretty fun! Sadly there is no pictures to go along with this post but hopefully something exciting happens here soon so my posts won't be so boring!

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