Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It's Official...

I finally have changed out of my horrible interior design major!! Its felt like its been long over do. Even though I currently am a General Studies major (its basically for those who have no clue what they want to study for the rest of their time in college) it isn't technically true for me. I have some idea of what I want to major in but it isn't quite set in stone yet... I've at least narrowed it down to 2 choices which are Computer Science ( a lot of math which doesn't sound like very much fun but hopefully it would be worth it!) and then CIT (Computer Information Technology, which is kind of like the same thing but not so much math.) It sounds like a lot of work but what is college without TONS of homework and a lot of thinking. :) SO hopefully by the end of the coming spring semester I will officially be in a major that i will love for the rest of my 3.5 years of colleges and my life. Only a little over 5.5 weeks until I go back and I couldn't be more excited!